Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Staff Barbeque

Please note that staff barbeques will restart for 2009 on Friday 17th January.

Look forward to seeing you there!!

ACE Silver Accreditation - SMC Melbourne

Firstly I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2009 and thank you all for the hard work and dedication that saw SMC Melbourne reach a significant milestone of ACE Silver Accreditation.

This would not have been possible without your valued input and determination to see SMC succeed.

2008 has been a year of change and 2009 will see even more change and hard work before us. I am positive that you are all up for the challenges ahead!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Long Service Award - 5 Years - Andrea Ware

SMC would like to congratulate Andrea on receiving her 5 Year Long Service Award. We look forward to presenting Andrea her 10 Year Long Service Award.

Well Done Andrea!!

Monday, 22 September 2008

ACE Bronze Presentation

ACE Management Team gratefully accepts Bronze ACE presentation

From left to right:

Carol Ross (Assessor), Mark Prattico, Gary Taverna, Damian Fruk, Maria Canning, Carol Taylor, Carmen Collinson, Steve Barakat, Marivic Cincotta, Jonathan van Beek, Anton Frackowski, Jason Grennan.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

ACE Bronze awarded to SMC Melbourne

Congratulations to all team members of SMC Melbourne for a great outcome of the Bronze assessment and Silver pre-assessment.

The assessors were especially impressed with the employee engagement shown both during the presentation and the Gemba walk.

Please see some of the comments from SMC Management

David Willett - MD CES

Great work SMC! This is an outstanding achievement in such a short time.
Congratulations to all who contributed.

Max Kelsey - GM SMC


Sandy Hull - SMC Commercial Manager

Well Done Everyone

I would also like to take time to thank all those involved for their hard work in the lead up to the assessment, with a special mention to those staff members who volunteered to present and did such a great job. The journey has only just begun for us now with a Silver assessment due on the 19th December. I am sure we will take what we have learned from the Bronze assessment and use for the same success in Silver.


Thursday, 18 September 2008


Friday 19th September is SMC Melbourne's ACE Bronze Assessment day.

I am sure that everybody at SMC is looking forward to this major milestone and I am positive that you will all make the assessors welcome and answer their questions to the best of your ability.

I would like to thank one and all for the hard work and dedication that I am sure will ensure that it is a successful day for us.

Thank you!

Monday, 21 July 2008


SMC Melbourne has received a call from one of our Bureaus' wishing to pass on comments from a very pleased client.

The client made a point to contact the Bureau and advise that they were extremely pleased with the actioning of the alarm event and the polite and helpful manner that the operator dealt with it.

Congratulations to Andrea Ware for her professionalism and great customer service skills.

Andrea has received a letter of appreciation from management and movie tickets for 2 to enjoy.

Well done Andrea and thank you!