Sunday, 21 September 2008

ACE Bronze awarded to SMC Melbourne

Congratulations to all team members of SMC Melbourne for a great outcome of the Bronze assessment and Silver pre-assessment.

The assessors were especially impressed with the employee engagement shown both during the presentation and the Gemba walk.

Please see some of the comments from SMC Management

David Willett - MD CES

Great work SMC! This is an outstanding achievement in such a short time.
Congratulations to all who contributed.

Max Kelsey - GM SMC


Sandy Hull - SMC Commercial Manager

Well Done Everyone

I would also like to take time to thank all those involved for their hard work in the lead up to the assessment, with a special mention to those staff members who volunteered to present and did such a great job. The journey has only just begun for us now with a Silver assessment due on the 19th December. I am sure we will take what we have learned from the Bronze assessment and use for the same success in Silver.


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